Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sexy AND Sustainable - Heineken Gets Fashionable

Heineken: Green is the new black

Heineken is doing some cool things in being sustainable with their advertisements. You know those huge billboard ads you see in your car as you drive the highway? Have you ever thought about what happens to those ads once they've run their course and must come down? Heineken did, and they believed that putting them in a landfill is just plain wrong. Instead, Heineken is taking their billboard ads and turning them into handbags. What started as an attempt to be green has turned into a fashion statement that has received a lot of attention.


I was skeptical at first, I mean who would want to buy a hand bag made from some worn billboard ad? But what seemed as a dead-end fashion statement has turned into quite the craze. I believe what Heineken is doing is great and hopefully other companies will take advice from their decision. I'm not saying we need a new fashion line of used billboards from every beer company, but just because something might not seem recyclable doesn't mean you cannot create something desirable form it.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. The ReUse and Recycle idea could be very big for advertising...wouldn't it be cool to buy a bag from Times Sq ads or on your favorite road home? Hmmm...
