Sunday, January 31, 2010

Finding Your Dream - Green Job

As we discuss the numerous green strategies, brand decisions and forward thinking in Green Brand Strategy, I began to wonder how someone interested in becoming a part of this sustainable future like myself can find a job related to this field. As I searched the web for "sustainable jobs" and "green jobs" I came a cross a gold mine job searching site that is not only easy to navigate, but highly informative as well. Green Dream Jobs, a sustainable job search from is much like our UO job-link, but with a green thumb. The listing include everything from green architecture to solar instalation, even internships for college students and grads. Whats even more amazing then the ease of finding your dream-green job is the vast number of job posting every day. With our economy and job market in a severe slump, one would believe that a narrow and specialized job search engine like this would be a ghost town, but for Green Dream Jobs this is not the case.
The Green Dream Jobs listing is only a small part of the parent site, The website is a great tool for businesses who are looking to join the sustainable movement and start reducing their corporate footprint while maintaining and exceeding their current revenues. The site provides current news on companies and practices that are working for sustainability today as well as a place for businesses to connect and interact. A must visit for any company ready to take their first step towards sustainability.

I highly recommend any one who is not only looking for a "green job" to check out this site. With the direction our sustainable thinking is going, I can only imagine that there will be more green jobs in the future that will provide more than a paycheck, but the feeling of contribution to our planet as well.

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