Sunday, January 24, 2010

NASA Sustainability Base

NASA Ames High Performance Building Side View

NASA is in the works to building what is known as the "NASA Sustainability Base," an innovative building concept that might just be the blueprint for green building in the future. The project, which has recently awarded the contract to Swinerton Inc. of San Francisco, will be built at the Ames Research Center in California, and looks to be a huge step towards sustainable building. Here are a few claims they are projecting for the project:

  • "Zero net energy consumption" for the building.
  • Reduce potable water consumption by over 90% when compared to an equivalent size building of conventional design.
  • Significantly reduce building maintenance costs when compared to an equivalent size building of conventional design.
At their site they go into more detail about what the building will accomplish. What I find to be those most intriguing part of the design is how they will incorporate NASA technology within the the facility that "...will bring NASA technologies down to Earth and connect them with capabilities from the private sector to leverage taxpayer investment and improve the quality of life for everyone." I believe this project has huge potential to create a new way of thinking for people by incorporating these technologies into everyday life. I can't wait to see how this whole project works out.

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