Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Humorous Diesel Clothing Message Has Not So Humorous Undertones

I was browsing over various "green" and "sustainable" ads around the globe to see what messages are being portrayed in the media when I cam across a campaign by Diesel clothing. The campaign is called "Global Warming Ready" and portrays models enjoying themselves in Diesel clothing set in a post-global warming world effected by raised water levels and deserts.

Global warming by the China Wall
Global warming in Paris

At first, I found the ads to be an amusing, tongue-in-cheek take on climate change, which I know is the purpose of the campaign. But as I thought about the deeper message that these ads provoke, I found it quite disturbing. The ads seem to be saying that this whole climate change issue is gonna happen no matter how hard we try to stop it, so why not sit back and enjoy it in our beautiful and luxurious clothing? I don't see these ads as green washing because they don't make any claims to be eco-friendly, but I do believe that it presents the wrong message on this issue.

1 comment:

  1. Diesel clothings ads are shown in both type of situation of nature as green and sustainable. These are opposite parts of nature and in this whether it is good to wear Diesel clothes. I like these type of ads with some meaningful concept.

    diesel clothing
