Monday, January 18, 2010

Rebuilding Green after Disaster

The U.S. Green Building Council or USGBC, has announced that they, along with the help of the Clinton Foundation Haiti Relief fund and the gracious support of the public, will help rebuild cities in Haiti after the tragic earthquake that struck the country on January 12th. Although the exact plans of the rebuilding process was not displayed, the council has had a lot of experience in this area including green rebuilding efforts in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. I feel this is a great opportunity to help Haiti rebuild there cities and in a way that will help with sustainability efforts.

But I don't think we should only rebuild cities to be green after disaster. Lets start with cities around the world that don't need to be rebuild for other reasons. I understand there is a lot being done rebuilding cities to be more green already, but not to a substantial amount that changes more then how the city runs, but how the people within the city act as well. Rebuilding a city is not just converting buildings into solar power and increasing public transportation, it is about the people being suastainable as well. After all, the people are what truly makes a city.

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