Monday, March 1, 2010

Sasquatch Festival 2010 - Music Meets Sustainability

As an excited and eager, soon-to-be audience member of the 2010 Sasquatch Music Festival at the Gorge, I have been reading up on the upcoming bands and news surrounding the event. As I was reading over the various links and tabs to chose my next destination of informational exploration I came across their "Green" section. Many know that festivals are a great place to promote eco-friendly behavior because most of the participants are well aware of the topic. But what Sasquatch is doing this year is beyond noticable, it's simply amazing.

Sasquatch! Festival 2010

Esurance, the main sponsor of the event has incorporated sustainable measures in previous years at the festival including a carpool service and awareness booths throughout. But this year they are taking it to the next level. Here are some of the many sustainable things that they are boasting for this year's festival:

- Certified carbon neutral by Carbon Harmony
- 100% Wind Powered
- 125% of greenhouse gases will be offset by Carbon Harmony

This, among many other thuings like a more active car pool system will actually make the festival improve the planet when all is said and done. This is simply amazing, especially because a festiuval of such magnitude would seemingly be quite harmful for the planet, even with sustainability in mind. I think other events, especially the Olympics which didn't quite do as well sustainability-wise as we hoped, can take advice from the 2010 Sasquatch.

And what does this say about Esurance? After all they are the ones that are pushing this sustainability movement at Sasquatch. I believe they are doing great things even outside of their company's infrastructure to promote sustainability. This is what a truly sustainable motive should be, look for ways outside your company to promote sustainability if you have the means (and money) to do so.

I can't wait to see all this sustainability madness in action this year and hope they can live up to these claims.

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