Monday, March 15, 2010

Consumers Pick Most Sustainable Companies

As I read up on Treehugger's blog I came across a very interesting article about their 2010 most sustainable companies list. Called the Best of Green, this list is the second annual list by them displaying who the top sustainable companies are in various categories including fashion, automotive and culture. The first annual best sustainable companies list was in 2009 and only included input from the editors on Treehugger. This year is different as Treehugger asked the public to come up with the companies who will make the list (of course with added input from Treehugger editors). After selecting a master list of companies they are now asking people to go in and vote to see who truly makes the list.

I like this idea of consumer generated lists not only because I recently did a project on a similar idea, but that a listy generated by consumers will be done so in the mind of the consumer. here are so many lists out there that boast top sustainable companies, but they all differ from each other because they re done so with different motives. But what is the real reason these lists are created? For the better knowledge of the consumer. So what better way to make a list that is actually relevant then have it created by the people who it is made for? I believe this list will be one of the more reliable lists to come out because of the manner in which it is created.

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