Friday, February 19, 2010

GE - Healthymagination

GE: imagination at work
Healthymagination, a website and social tool created by GE, is asking you to take one small step today to live a better, healthier life. Everyone who has ever considered living a healthier life has witnessed the vast and overwhelming amount of information on the web and in health magazines. With so many differant directions you can go and so many differant sites telling you what the best way to make this chanmge is, it often becomes too large a step for people to take. Healthymagination is a tool for people to use that asks you to take one small step today. They understand that making the change to a healthier life does not happen overnight, and that is what makes this site so appealing.

The website, which is linked here, also knows that this change is hard to make alone. The site is designed to make this change a collaborative effort. When you visit, there is a list of projects that people are completing everyday. They are called morsels and include small steps like "Lie on your bed, flex your abs, raise one leg up, and release. Repeat, switching legs." It may not sound like much but it is a step nonetheless. A step that many people don't take because they are too overwhelmed in the idea that they must make a radical change to see any result. (Plus they made these morsels accessible for your cellphone.)

Along with the morsels is a tab that lets people share health stories and tips that they use themselves. This changes the website from a tool people can use to a social network connecting like minded people. By making the site a collaborative effort, I believe people will be more involved and ultimately interested in continuing with this healthy change they are trying to make.

What ties the whole experience of this site together is the tab that reads "stories." Here is listed various stories of people doing good in their communities and for themselves. This piece of the site is what I believe is the true essence of It is so much more than making healthy steps to a better you, but rather making healthy steps to a better community and society. GE wants to create a better world that promotes bettering oneself and those around them. That is the true sense of sustainability that we need today.

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